southern fried gaming expo / vintage computer festival southeast

I know it’s been a while, but I promise I’m not dead. I’ve just been working on other non-techy stuff lately.

There are a few projects that I’ve been working on here and there that I’ll post soon. I’ve been playing around with some of the cheap aliexpress kits like automatic antenna tuners and rf amplifiers. I also bought a few lora boards and have one set up as a satellite ground station and a few others running as a mesh network. Pretty cool stuff.

I also ordered one of the QDX kits from qrp labs that I’ll build out once it comes in.

But forget all that. This past weekend was the Southern Fried Gaming Expo and Vintage Computer Festival Southeast in Atlanta!


I’ve never been to one of these before, but it was pretty cool. There were loads of pinball and arcade machines that were free to play. There were console game tournaments, tabletop and board games, and tons of other cool stuff.


To be honest, this was a last minute thing. I didn’t even realize the vintage computer festival was going on until I got there.


They had a room with a bunch of old machines set up. My son was having fun playing with the old operating systems. He got a kick out of Windows 1.0.


Most of our time was spent running around playing pinball and other games. We got some free comic books and other swag. Picked up a few t-shirts. It was a fun day. Next year we may try to get a room at the hotel and stay all weekend.

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