

slayer exciter

I’ve been wanting to experiment with some high voltage projects like a jacob’s ladder, a tesla coil, or a maybe a plasma speaker, but at the moment, I don’t have any good power sources. I’d like to find an old neon sign transformer, but I may just settle for pulling the flyback transformer out of an old tv set. In the mean time, I ran across a small circuit called a slayer exciter that I could build with parts I have on hand.


Over the holidays, I picked up a second hand outernet kit to play around with. The kit consists of an sdr dongle, a low noise amplifier, and an L-band patch antenna and can be purchased new from https://outernet.is. What is outernet? Well, outernet is a filecasting service that beams community submitted and curated content from three Inmarsat satellites. Its sort of like a very slow off-grid news feed. The three satellites are:

bitx: star wars lunch box

The bitx module now has its own enclosure: A star wars lunch box!  I didn’t change much about my original setup. I ditched the s meter and added a manual usb/lsb switch to the front panel. The red knob is the power/volume pot. There is a headphone jack under the switch and the rotary encoder on the right. On the rear panel, I added the antenna jack, a dc jack that supplies the 12 volts to power the module, and an optional set of binding posts to supply up to 25 volts for the power amplifier.

universal qrp transmitter enclosure

I finally put the universal qrp transmitter in its own enclosure. I cut down the board to fit inside an altoids sized tin. The actual tin came from a cheap arduino kit that I picked up on discount during the final days of radio shack. The circuit diagram for the transmitter can be found here. I made a small change from my original design. I remove the 60pf trimmer cap and the 47pf ceramic cap from the collector of the 2N2222 and added an old variable cap for tuning.

bitx mods

I added an arduino/SI5351 vfo that I had previously made for a dc receiver to my new bitx40 module. I tweaked the arduino code to add the offset, and added a low pass filter to the output of the SI5351. On the bitx board, I desoldered a leg of the L4 coil and plugged the output of the SI5351 to the DDS pins and it worked perfectly. Here is the code that I used for the vfo.

bitx40 module

My bitx40 module from hfsigs.com finally arrived on Friday after a 23 day wait. USPS left a ‘We missed you’ note even though my wife was home and I had to go pick it up from the post office, but I finally have it. The package was slightly damaged during its journey from India to the US. It was a little crushed, but the board survived. The heatsink on the IRF510 was bent, but I will be replacing it with a larger heat sink to accommodate 24 volts for more output.